What is Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)?
Business Process Modelling Notation The Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a new, free, standard-based notation for visualising business process
Web Hosting
Barriers to Cloud Computing Adoption in Enterprises
Cloud computing is a model for delivering information technology services. It is a way to outsource the maintenance and management of technology infrastruc
Tips & Tricks
Smartphone is Charging Too Slow | How to Fix it?
Smartphones are an essential part of everyone’s everyday life. And we all know the importance of the battery life of our phones. We’ve all been
Pen Drive – History and Facts | How does it Work?
The pen drive is a portable flash memory solution designed to transport data files from one computer to another. The product can carry audio, video, and da
Computer Security
What is Cybercrime and How Does it Work? What are The Risks?
Cybercrime is an umbrella term encompassing a wide range of illegal activities conducted via the internet, using computers and the internet to steal your p
Web Hosting
What Are the Advantages of LAMP Server for Web Hosting?
LAMP is the most popular and recommended web hosting server for both personal and business websites. Web hosting is a service that makes a website accessib
Web Hosting
What are the primary roles and importance of a website designer?
A website designer is a professional who specialises in the design and development of websites. They are responsible for the look, feel, and overall user e
Use of Big Data and Data Mining in the Healthcare Sector
Big data is a collection of data of very large size and volume generated by both human and natural sources. Its vast size, velocity and volume of data gene
Tips & Tricks
What are some best practices to include in the cloud usage policy
What is Cloud Usage Policy? A cloud usage policy is a set of guidelines that dictate how an organization’s employees can use cloud computing services
What are Operators in C++? Meaning and Types
Operators are used in programming languages. They are utilized in carrying out operations on data. In the case of C++, operators are symbols that give inst