Java vs .Net core – A Detailed Comparison

We have grown up hearing that you cannot have too many good things together. And that’s true in the case of choosing the right technology for your project development.

There are too many amazing options available for development, but you can pick only a specified tech stack. For instance, for backend development, you can either go for Java or .NET core while comparing both of these technologies.

Making a successful software needs a lot of brainstorming and planning. Picking up the correct framework is challenging for both the project owner and CTOs. Sometimes things become so confusing that if you choose the wrong technology, you will fall into a huge heap of resources, time, and money wastage.

Instead of this, before planning to make software or an app, you should be clear with your business requirements. Then choose a reliable software development partner and ask them which technology will suit your requirements. In this article, we will see the comparison of Java vs .NET Core. This information will help you understand both languages in detail. So, let’s begin learning!

List of Popular Companies & Domains using Java

Companies using Java programming language for development:

Google, Spotify, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Netflix, eBay, Instagram, etc.

Domains where Java can be used for development:

  • Distributed apps
  • Developing standalone apps
  • Desktop/Applet GUI apps
  • Enterprise apps
  • Mobile apps
  • Scientific apps
  • Big data technologies
  • Developing embedded systems

Java- An overview

Java is a leading and popularly used programming language across the world. It first came into the market in 1996 and since that year, its popularity is increasing every year. According to the Stackoverflow 2022 survey, Java is the sixth most popular used programming language in the world.

Interestingly, Java is probably easier to work with and learn. When developers write one source code, it compiles into bytecode and it can be executed on any device that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed in it. Hence, it follows the WORA, aka, Write Once Run Anywhere practice.

One can use Java for the stock market and finance to eCommerce and IoT, and developers use Java language in every domain you think. As it is an open-source and free-to-use technology, it’s used commonly. There’s also the availability of JDK and it allows you to work integrating with Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, and many more languages.

Many more potential benefits of Java are yet to be recognized. Hence, if you think that Java will be the best programming language for your project, take suggestions from your software development team and move forward accordingly.

Pros and Cons of Java

Here’s the list of potential advantages and risks associated with the Java language. Have a look at them:

Java: Advantages

Simple to use: Java language is easier to write, use, debug, compile, and execute than other programming languages. It is easier than different OOP languages like its garbage collection and automatic memory mechanism.

Secure language: Java provides security functions on the interpreter, compiler, and also on runtime environment.

OOP (Object-Oriented Language): It has OOP and defines certain features like objects, classes, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, etc. Using these features, developers can create reusable code and modular programming easily.

Distributed computing system: Java has immense networking capabilities and it is organized in a way that distributed computing becomes manageable. All these are possible because of the networking capacity feature incorporated into Java.

Robust qualities: Java is a reliable and robust programming language. The compilers can catch errors easily from the code using garbage collection and exception handling approaches. These features make Java robust and reliable.

Java is platform-independent: With Java language, you can get convinced of writing code in different types of OS and software platforms and it runs on different browsers that are Java-compatible. This language provides the capacity to make code efficient on various computers with reusability functionalities.

Multithreaded function: Java is a suitable platform for making multiple functions simultaneously. Java language is used mainly for stock-based and finance use cases with IoT-enabled devices. It’s an open-source technology like the Oracle OpenJDK. It also supports Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, etc.

Java: Disadvantages

Memory management: Memory is managed by garbage collection in Java. Whenever the task of garbage collection executes, it will impact your app’s performance.

UI and traditional feel: The GUI apps that are developed using Java will have a different default look than their native look.

.NET Core- An overview

.NET language was introduced in 2002 by Microsoft. Previously it was used for Microsoft products only; and was closed-sourced, which means it will not allow developers to code or execute apps in Android, Linux, or iOS.

As this framework was only for Microsoft products and its usage was restricted to other products, .NET wasn’t acknowledged much in the past. However, in 2016, .NET Core was released in the market and changed the whole perception. In modern times, it’s giving tough competition to Java and many companies are efficiently using it to develop various software.

In the latest version of .NET core, it is made compatible with major operating systems. There are many basic .NET tools available with multiple libraries, third-party tools, and add-ons for creating customized apps for instant and immediate use. .NET core architecture abides with an OOP paradigm and is also used with multiple languages like C#, F#, C++, etc.

Pros and Cons of .NET Core

Here’s the list of potential advantages and risks associated with the .NET language. Have a look at them:

.NET Core: Advantages

  • This framework allows you to use different programming platforms like J#.NET, C#.NET, VB.NET, IRON RUBY, JSCRIPT.NET, WINDOWS POWERSHELL, etc.
  • .NET is a framework that is user-friendly and versatile
  • As per your business requirements, you can ask developers to use different combinations of programming languages to develop websites as per your specific needs.
  • There are a lot of advanced tools available in the Microsoft Developer Network that make the development process easier.
  • .NET Core avoids unnecessary coding and provides reusable components that help in enhancing the development process.
  • It is also easy to maintain the .NET code as it is small. At the same time, developers can also optimize this code easily only in a few statements.

.NET Core: Disadvantages

  • Tooling can be challenging when used. NET. In the regular update of Microsoft, when developers try to develop an app and try to search for the root cause of certain exceptions, it could be challenging and because of this, there can be regular updates in the documents of the latest framework.
  • The documentation of ASP.NET core isn’t essential as compared to various development technologies. As it is updated regularly, documentation also has to be changed repeatedly.

Java vs .NET Core: Differences

Here are some primary differences that one should keep in mind while studying Java vs .NET Core.

Coding Speed

When software developers pick Java programming language, they use different threads and ultimately simplify the project management and processing instructions in a proper sequence. However, when the factor of coding speed is considered, the .NET language is the leader in this matter.

Because of the object orientation, .NET offers several elements that are reusable. Hence, when you compare Java vs .NET core based on the time both languages take to develop identical apps, .NET will be less time-consuming.


While developing complicated, enterprise-level, and large-scale apps, both frameworks are equally effective. Hence, both .NET and Java frameworks are quickly implemented to develop enterprise-level applications. Hence, choosing any one technology based on scalability will completely depend on your project requirements and business goals.


There are questions arising regarding the performance factor. It has many instruments for ascending capacity, but it will not perform faster than the .NET framework. This happens due to .NET usage for making more memory-efficient app development frameworks like C#. In addition, it also allows efficient code optimization and makes the code compact and highly productive.

It is also easier to maintain and debug the code in this framework. Hence, when performance is considered, the .NET framework wins over its competitor. However, due to the JIT compiler optimizations, Java can get faster than .NET sometimes.


The cross-platform functions and characteristics imply that the app can be easily used by different computer systems like Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, etc.

In the past, .NET was lacking this feature. But now, Java and Dot NET both have this function and the apps developed using these frameworks can be executed on any OS.


Java programming language is an older technology that appeared in the 1990s. And, by today, it has made a large community of active users who are involved in sharing their sweet and sour experiences with beginner developers.

On the other hand, .NET appeared in the 2000s and is influenced by Java. So, still, it has a smaller user community than that of Java.


In terms of the popularity of Java vs .NET, software programmers tend to pick Java language more often. The reason is quite simple- as per the market trends, Java developers are in strong demand as compared to .NET developers.

When one researches the market of the job on websites like Indeed, one will notice that Java specialists are in higher demand than .NET specialists. However, the demand for Java has been reduced because of the increased popularity and use of C#.

Ease of Learning

Java and .NET are comparatively easy to learn. Nevertheless, Java gives more documentation and informational material to be studied while learning Java. The large documentation is an outcome of a huge user community and traditional presence on the market.

.NET has not achieved a similar level of recognition yet, but on the other hand, its documentation material is from Microsoft, and it will continue to get new users gradually from time to time.


Both Java and .NET have a good level of security and protection. At first, Java was facing certain security troubles, but these threats are resolved now. At this moment, Java provides excessive security that can avoid situations of making drastic errors in the software that leads to dangerous consequences.

.NET comparatively was more secure in the past as it was a closed-source language and wasn’t open for whole general usage.

Integrated Development Environments

IDE, also known as Integrated Development Environment, still streamlines the work of software developers and helps them in developing code, creating documents, developing tests, and reducing bugs. Java language is versatile and it can work with different IDEs.

It has some most popular IDEs that developers can take advantage of using Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Oracle JDevelopers, and Oracle NetBeans. These IDEs have various in-built tools.

While the .NET framework IDE is Visual Studio and it has features that are specific languages.

Java vs .NET Core: Similarities

Technologies and preferences are evolving over time. The value of programming languages changes when a business considers increasing its technical capacities. In such a case, picking the best amongst the 2 decent languages is tough. To start with, Java and .NET both are widely utilized to develop enterprise-level apps and projects.

Still the answer to the question ‘Which one is better- Java or .NET?’ depends on your business operational requirements. Both frameworks are OOP and it offers enterprise-level development possibilities for almost every app type. Modular architecture code guarantees flexibility, and quick debugging, and it also has the capacity to reuse the code.

These frameworks are quick for working with huge architectures and have high-load systems for different widely used companies like Google, Instagram, Airbnb, Microsoft, etc.

When to Choose .NET Core Framework?

  • When one wants to develop client apps
  • Gaming apps
  • In the case of enterprise app development
  • Websites
  • Web apps, and much more

When to Choose Java Programming Language?

  • When clients want to develop web apps like Google Docs, Gmail, etc.
  • Developing enterprise apps like Spotify, Pinterest, etc.
  • Embedded system development
  • Android app development

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Java vs .NET Core- Final Verdict

Just like you saw that after reading this article, both frameworks and languages have specific characteristics. Each has specific specialities, challenges, strengths, etc. Java is suitable for different projects which require flexibility. While .NET helps you in thriving the cases and you can deal with enterprise infrastructures easily.

Java is optimal for mobile apps with multi-user utility programs with embedded development and IoT-based systems. Now, companies have to choose .NET to create server or web multiple-user apps, and complex projects with amazing GUIs, and games.

Both frameworks Java and .NET have specific differences because both approaches are different from one another. Also, which framework to pick will completely depend on your business requirements and goals. Nonetheless, your organization takes advantage of each depending on requirements. In case you are still not sure about which technology to choose, let’s know in the comment section. We can try to give you some advanced information in the next article. Till then, stay tuned, and happy reading!