What Are The Steps of Conjoint Analysis?

Conjoint analysis is a research technique used to understand how consumers make choices when faced with multiple options.

It has become an increasingly popular tool for marketers as it provides valuable insights into the factors that drive consumer behaviour. Conjoint analysis can help companies optimize their products and services by understanding what features are most important to customers and how they prioritize them.

The basic idea behind conjoint analysis is simple: present consumers with different product or service options, each with varying attributes, and ask them to choose which option they prefer. By analyzing these choices, researchers can determine which attributes are most important to consumers and how they value them relative to one another.

How Does Conjoint Analysis Work?

Conjoint analysis is used by marketers to identify the most appealing combination of features for their products or services. Conjoint analysis works by presenting consumers with various sets of product attributes and asking them which ones they prefer.

The process involves creating scenarios where different combinations of features are presented to consumers. These scenarios help researchers determine which attributes are most important to consumers, as well as how much value they place on each attribute. By analyzing the data collected from these scenarios, companies can make informed decisions about what kind of products or services will be most successful in the market.

Steps Involved in Conjoint Analysis Design

There are a lot of qualities for a product or service area. E.g., a TV may have screen size, screen format, brand, pricing attributes, etc. You may divide each attribute into several tiers. For example, levels may be LED, LCD or plasma for screen format.

steps invovled in conjoint analysis digitalgyan

A collection of goods, Prototypes, mock-ups, or images made from a mix of levels in all or part of the component characteristics are displayed to respondents and requested to pick the items exhibited, classified, or rate. Each example has a close enough replacement, but not an exact one so that respondents can easily tell which one they chose.

There are four steps in creating a Conjoint Design

  1. Determine the sort of research that will be conducted
  2. Determine the appropriate characteristics
  3. Levels of the properties must be specified
  4. Create a questionnaire

What is the purpose of a conjoint analysis?

Conjoint analysis is a prominent product and pricing research approach that reveals customer preferences and uses that knowledge to assist pick product features, estimating price sensitivity, anticipating market shares, and anticipating acceptance of new products or services.

Conjoint analysis is widely utilized in various sectors, including consumer goods, electrical goods, life insurance plans, retirement homes, high-end items, and air travel. It may be used in various situations, including determining what goods consumers are most likely to buy and what they value most (and least) about a product. It is widely used in marketing, advertising, and product management.

Businesses of all sizes, including local grocery stores and restaurants, can benefit from conjoint analysis, and its application is not restricted to commercial reasons; for example, charities can utilize conjoint analysis techniques to determine donor preferences.

What are the Types of Conjoint Analysis?

Conjoint analysis can be done in a variety of ways. The following are a few of the most common:

Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) Analysis

This is one of the most prevalent types of conjoint analysis, and it’s used to figure out how a responder rates different aspects in different combinations.

Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA)

This type of analysis personalizes each respondent’s survey experience based on their responses to the first few questions. It’s frequently used in studies when several traits or traits are being evaluated to speed up the process and get the most useful information out of each responder.

Full-Profile Conjoint Analysis

This type of study gives the responder a list of complete product descriptions and asks them to choose the one they’d be most likely to buy.

MaxDiff Conjoint Analysis

This type of study gives the responder a variety of alternatives, which they must rank on a scale of “best” to “worst” (or “most likely to purchase” to “least likely to purchase”).

The aims driving the study (i.e., what does it hope to learn?) and, presumably, the sort of product or service being reviewed define the sort of conjoint analysis a corporation does. To make use of the benefits of each, different conjoint analysis methods can be combined into “hybrid models.”

Menu-Based Conjoint Analysis

Menu-based conjoint analysis is a new type of analysis that is quickly becoming popular in the marketing industry. Because menu-based conjoint analysis lets respondents package their own product or service, Conjoint can help you with pricing, product features, product combinations, package bundling, and more. Conjoint is useful because it resembles real-world purchasing situations in which respondents must choose between two options

Two-Attribute Tradeoff Analysis

The oldest way of co-collecting data may result from a number of tradeoff tables (two attributes at a time) with respondents classifying their preferences for the different levels of the attributable combinations. If two qualities have three levels each, the table will have nine cells, and respondents will score their tradeoff preferences from 1 to 9.

The two-factor-at-a-time method requires little cognitive effort from the respondent and is straightforward to use but time-consuming and tedious. In addition, responders typically lose their position at the table or build a stylized design to complete the task. However, above all, the job is unrealistic since genuine options are not two qualities at a time to be evaluated.

Hierarchical Bayes Analysis (HB)

Hierarchical Bayes Analysis (HB) is also used to estimate the level of attributes of selected data. In circumstances where the data collecting work is so extensive, HB is particularly beneficial because a responder cannot appropriately evaluate preferences at all the attributes.

For each person, hierarchical Bayes concentrates the individual responder measurement on very variable attributes as part of the technique to estimate level utility attribute levels and employs sample attribute levels when the attribute level variability is low. Again, with fewer data obtained from each responder, this methodology permits other qualities and levels to be inferred.

Advantages of Conjoint Analysis

  • Consumers make psychological tradeoffs when assessing many features simultaneously, according to estimates.
  • May assess personal preferences on a one-to-one basis.
  • Identifies true or hidden drivers that may not be obvious to responders.
  • Simulates a real-life decision or purchasing task.
  • Able to interact with tangible items.
  • Can represent interactions between characteristics if properly constructed.
  • When using models that detect respondent variability in tastes, it may be utilized to build needs-based segmentation.

Disadvantages of Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint study design can be difficult. Respondents frequently use simplification tactics when faced with too many product features and characteristics. Because there isn’t one, it’s impossible to employ for product positioning study.

Converting real features to perceptions of a smaller set of underlying characteristics is a method. Respondents are unable, or may be able, to define their sentiments regarding new categories.

Studies with a poor design may overvalue emotionally charged product aspects while undervaluing actual characteristics.