
What are cloud computing deployment models?

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses store, access, and manage data and applications. With its numerous advantages, such as cost-effectiveness and flexibility, cloud computing has gained widespread adoption across various industries. However, understanding the different cloud computing deployment models is crucial in selecting the appropriate approach that aligns with your organizational needs.

In this article, we will discuss about various cloud computing deployment models and explore their respective advantages, limitations, and considerations.

Public Cloud

The public cloud deployment model refers to the utilization of cloud infrastructure and services provided by third-party vendors, accessible to multiple organizations or individuals over the internet. This popular model offers several notable advantages, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and shared resources.

The public cloud enables anyone to gain access to systems and services. Since the public cloud is accessible to everyone, it may be less secure. The public cloud is one in which cloud infrastructure services are made available to the general public or significant industry groups via the Internet. In this cloud model, the infrastructure is owned by the entity providing cloud services, not the consumer. It is a form of cloud hosting that provides easy access to systems and services for customers and users. This type of cloud computing is an excellent illustration of cloud hosting, in which service providers provide services to multiple clients. This arrangement provides storage backup and retrieval services for free, via subscription, or on a per-user basis. Example: Google AppEngine etc.

The cost-effectiveness of the public cloud is primarily due to its pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing businesses to pay only for the resources and services they utilize. This eliminates the need for upfront investments and hardware maintenance costs. Furthermore, the elasticity of the public cloud enables organizations to scale their resources up or down based on demand, offering unparalleled flexibility.

Internet-based IT services comparable to utilities are accessible to the public. Public clouds are frequently designed and managed by cloud service providers. End users pay a subscription charge to access cloud-based resources or services, while the service provider is responsible for all operations, maintenance, and administration.

Private Cloud

Private cloud deployment models are completely opposed to public cloud deployment models. It is a one-on-one setting for one user. (customer). There is no requirement to share hardware with others.

The difference between private and public clouds is how the hardware is managed. It is also known as the “internal cloud” and refers to the capacity to access systems and services within a particular organisation or geographical boundary. The cloud platform is implemented in a cloud-based, secure environment protected by robust firewalls and supervised by the IT department of an organization. The private cloud provides greater control and flexibility over cloud resources.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud computing provides the best of both worlds by bridging the public and private realms with a layer of proprietary software. With a hybrid solution, you can host the application in a secure environment while taking advantage of the cost savings of the public cloud. Depending on their requirements, organisations can transfer data and applications between clouds using a combination of two or more cloud deployment methods.

A hybrid cloud architecture results from a company’s decision to keep critical data assets on-premises for maximum security while storing other data in public databases for cost efficiency. Using the pay-per-use model; public clouds provide businesses with cyclical data processing requirements with a highly cost-effective solution. The holiday season is prime computing demand for some online retailers. The hybrid cloud also meets the elasticity needs of other applications, such as disaster recovery. Consequently, a private cloud Utilises a public cloud for disaster recovery and restores data there as necessary. It is possible to run applications on one public cloud while utilising another for disaster recovery.

Community Cloud Deployment Model

The community cloud deployment model caters to a specific community or consortium of organizations with similar interests or requirements. It provides shared resources, strengthened security, and collaboration opportunities.

Shared resources and costs within a community are key advantages of the community cloud. Organizations with shared objectives, such as government agencies or research institutions, can pool their resources and benefit from cost efficiencies. This shared infrastructure enables collective cost-sharing while still providing the benefits of cloud computing.

Stronger security and compliance is another advantage of the community cloud, as the community members can establish stringent security protocols and compliance standards together. This collaborative approach ensures that the cloud infrastructure meets the specific industry or regulatory requirements of the community.

Collaboration and knowledge-sharing opportunities are enhanced within a community cloud. Organizations can leverage shared resources and expertise, fostering innovation and the exchange of ideas. This collaborative environment promotes efficiency and reduces duplication of efforts within the community.

However, the community cloud also has limitations and considerations. Agreement and governance challenges may arise within the community, as members need to align their objectives and make collective decisions regarding the cloud infrastructure’s management and evolution. Additionally, conflicts of interest among community members need to be acknowledged and resolved for smooth operations. Furthermore, the availability of community-specific cloud providers may vary, limiting options in some cases.


In summary, selecting the right cloud computing deployment model requires a thorough evaluation of your organization’s unique requirements and objectives. Public clouds offer cost-effectiveness and scalability, while private clouds provide enhanced security and customization options. Hybrid clouds combine the best of both worlds, enabling flexibility and cost optimization. Community clouds cater to specific communities’ collective needs, fostering collaboration and cost-sharing.

By analyzing the advantages, limitations, and considerations of each cloud computing deployment model, organizations can make informed decisions. It is crucial to assess factors like data sensitivity, compliance requirements, scalability needs, and budgetary constraints. In doing so, businesses can embark on their cloud journey confidently, harnessing the transformative power of cloud computing while aligning it with their specific needs.

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Raj Maurya

Raj Maurya is the founder of Digital Gyan. He is a technical content writer on Fiverr and When not working, he plays Valorant.

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