Google Phone App Let You Do Call Recording Automatically

Call Recording Automatically

Google is extending the functionality of its Google Phone app’s call recording feature by allowing users to capture calls from unknown numbers automatically. The functionality was first discovered in a Google Phone app teardown in January, and it now seems to be rolled out to several devices.

On Twitter, @theyashreddi shared screenshots of the feature in the Google Phone app on his Xiaomi Mi A3 as a tip.
Of course, the latest “still record” option is only possible if your position supports the call recording function. There’s a pretty major disclaimer added to the feature, as we wrote in January when it was planned. It says,

You or the other person in your call might be somewhere that requires everyone to consent to being recorded. Everyone will be notified ahead of time that the call is being recorded. It’s up to you to follow laws about recording conversations. Recordings are stored only on your phone.

There’s a new toggle in the Google Phone app’s “Call logging” mode, as seen in the screenshots. You will automatically capture calls from numbers that aren’t in your contacts until you unlock them. You should also specify which numbers should be recorded at all times and when these recordings should be erased.

Last year, Google made the call recording functionality of the Google Phone app accessible on various Xiaomi phones worldwide. It was also made available to some Nokia phone users in India. Although the Google Phone app is available on nearly all Android smartphones, the call recording feature is only available on a limited number of phones in specific regions.

Many who need to record an interview or want to refer back to a conversation later can find call recording useful. Of course, you’ll need to get someone’s permission before you can record a call, and you can review your local laws before using the feature.

You can also pick which numbers are automatically registered if you don’t want calls from unknown numbers to be recorded. The Google Phone app users will also choose how much they want their registered calls to be erased.

Although the Google Phone app works on almost all Android devices, call recording is only available on Pixels and some Nokia Android One phones. The functionality is also supported by several of Xiaomi’s best low-cost Android phones.

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