How to Choose a Perfect Domain Name for Great SEO
There have been many discussions on which variables are most essential when deciding which domain to buy. Choosing a Domain Name should be closely linked to t
What is Beckhard and Harris’ Change Equation?
Beckhard and Harris’ change equation is a change model that can effectively support actions towards powerful and successful change. According to this model, d
What is The Hook Model of Behavioural Design?
A hook model is a user engagement tool or framework. Its goal is to ensure that a person participates in an activity or interacts with a product regularly. In
How to Delete Hundreds of Unwanted emails in Gmail
Many people receive unwanted emails daily. These can be newsletters, advertisements, or other emails that are not important. Deleting these emails one at a ti
What is the ADKAR Change Management Model?
The ADKAR Change Management Model is a framework used to understand and influence how individuals adapt to organisational change. The abbreviation “ADKA