How to Maintain Online Privacy With AI-Generated Faces
Privacy is one of the most difficult human attributes to get right. We spend years carefully training and calibrating ourselves to the point that we find it ha
iPhone and iPad
What are the benefits and risks of buying an unlocked iPhone?
Unlocked iPhones are mobile devices that are not bound to a specific carrier. It can be used with any carrier that employs SIM cards. An unlocked iPhone gives
Business and Marketing
What is an Oligopoly Market Structure?
An oligopoly is a market structure in which a small number of firms dominate the market. The word oligopoly is derived from the Greek word for “few”. Oligopoli
Business and Marketing
What is Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)?
IMC is a strategic business process the purpose of which is to plan, develop, execute and evaluate brand communication programs over time for existing and pote
[Review] Best 5G Smartphones Under Rs. 15,000
Nowadays, everyone is talking about 5G and how it is the next big thing in telecommunications. Also, it’s Diwali time, which means shopping time for Indi
Windows and Office 365
How to Enable Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security feature that adds an extra layer of protection to your Office 365 account. This feature is highly recommended f
Business and Marketing
What are the pros and cons of internet promotions
Internet Promotions Many small firms are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a competitive edge in today’s global market due to the rise of glo
Windows and Office 365
How to fix USB not recognised error on Windows 10
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably encountered the dreaded “USB not recognized” error message on your Windows 10 computer. This ca