[Top 15] Mini Militia Best Avatar

Mini militia best avatars are special skins for your character that show up when you start the game. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes so you can choose one that fits your style.

Mini Militia Best Avatar is a new avatar mod for Mini Militia which allows you to add a variety of cool avatars to your game.

The game has just been updated with a new avatar system, so this mod will work perfectly on the latest version of Mini Militia. You can use this mod to add cool avatars to your character and make it look even cooler!

In this article, we will share with you all the best avatars in Mini Militia.

Of course, there are many other avatars that deserve our attention, but we have selected only 15 of them based on their popularity and how they can help us win in this game.

Top 15 Mini Militia Best Avatars

Mini Militia has many unique avatars that players can choose to customize their characters. Here we collected the top 15 best Mini Militia avatars for you!

1. The Space Ninja

This avatar is one of the most popular avatars in Mini Militia. It has a pretty cool design and it looks very cool in the game. This avatar is also very easy to unlock. You just need to reach level 3 then you can unlock it for free!

2. The Evil King

This is another popular avatar in Mini Militia that many players like to use. This avatar has a cool design with a skull face and it looks really amazing when you use it in the game! You can get this avatar by reaching level 10 or by purchasing it from the store with diamonds.

3. The Zombie Hunter

If you are looking for an avatar that looks like a zombie hunter then this one is perfect for you! This avatar looks really cool and unique so many players like to use it while playing Mini Militia! You can unlock this avatar by reaching level 15 or by purchasing it from the store with diamonds.

4. The Space Traveler

This is one of the best avatars for Mini Militia. It comes with a blue helmet and a yellow suit. You can also get weapons like rockets and lasers when you have this avatar. This avatar looks very cool and it will definitely give an advantage over your enemies in battle.

5. The Knight Rider

The Knight Rider is another one of the best avatars for Mini Militia because it comes with lots of weapons like swords, guns, rockets etc… This avatar also has a white suit on it which makes it look really cool!

6. Beauty Queen

This is another one of my favorite avatars because it comes with lots of beautiful girls and sexy outfits! You will definitely feel like a king when you have this avatar on your profile! Girls always love guys who use this particular avatar!

7. The Rapper Girl

This avatar is one of the best because it is not only cute and beautiful, but also very stylish. It’s a girl with a rapper hat, sunglasses and a microphone. The best part is that it can be unlocked for free by completing your first mission!

8. The Superhero Girl

This avatar is also one of my favorites because it looks so cute and funny! It’s a girl dressed as a superhero with a mask on her face. The best part is that it can be unlocked for free by completing your first mission!

9. The Footballer Boy

This one I love because he has a football jersey on (of course), but he also has his hands on his hips like he’s posing for a photo shoot! This avatar can be purchased for $0.99 cents or 099 cents if you don’t have any coins left over after buying all the other avatars here!

10. The Ice Princess Girl

And lastly, this avatar isn’t really my favorite but I know many people really like it because they post photos using it all the time in their mini militia groups on Facebook! It

11. The Shark

The shark is one of the most popular avatars in Mini Militia. It’s not just popular because of its design, but also for its power.

12. The Boxer

The boxer is another really cool avatar that you can use to play mini militia. This avatar has a lot of health, so it’s great for people who like to play defensively.

13. The Ghoul

The ghoul has been around for a long time now and it’s still one of the most popular avatars in Mini Militia. The ghoul has an amazing range, which means that you can attack enemies from far away without getting damaged yourself!

14. Vampire Knight (female)

A vampire girl with long black hair who wears a red dress on her back and black gloves on her hands. This avatar looks very beautiful with long hair flowing down her shoulders and a unique makeup style.

15. Zombie Girl

A zombie girl wearing glasses over her eyes who looks very attractive with long blonde hair flowing down her shoulders making her look like an angelic beauty who just came back from heaven!

To unlock this avatar, you need to reach level 10 of any class and then follow these steps:

  • Press the home button on your phone or tablet
  • Open “Settings” and go to “Apps & notifications”
  • Select “Mini Militia” from the list of apps
  • Tap on “Permissions” then toggle all switches to ON


I hope this article is helpful for you and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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