How to Recover Deleted Emails and Restore Them Completely?

Most of us sometimes face the situation where someone, who has no authority to do so, deletes important emails, which may be of any kind (like personal, professional, business etc.).

This is certainly a serious and alarming situation for you. In such situations, no one can do anything but feel frustrated. If you are also getting the same feeling, here is the solution to solve your issues.

Well, there is good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news.

Restoring Deleted Emails

If you delete an email, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Even if you’ve emptied your recycle bin or the “Trash” folder in your Inbox, the email isn’t deleted. It’s just that your computer system now has no way of figuring out where it is. But it’s there, still on your hard drive.

By using special email recovery tools, you can recover deleted emails because these programmes identify these “missing” files and can bring them back to life.

Now the bad news.

Act Quickly and Increase Your Chances

The bad news is you have to act quickly. You only have a small time frame to attempt to recover your lost email.

You severely decrease your chances of successful email recovery whenever you waste and continue to use the drive for anything that isn’t related to recovering your emails. Why?

Well, because your hard drive is constantly overwriting files to make space for new information you put into it. If your hard drive is full and there is not much space or memory available – it is highly probable that the email has already been overwritten and deleted – permanently.

Other Problems with Recovering Deleted Emails

Not all deleted or lost emails go to the “Trash” folder. If you have suffered a computer crash or hardware failure or your operating system is somehow corrupted, then it is unlikely that your deleted emails can be recovered.

Also, if you haven’t opened the email at all or it hasn’t been deleted the usual way due to file corruption, you probably will have less of a chance to recover and restore the email in its entirety.

Nothing to Lose

Recover deleted email programmes and search and locate the emails you have deleted. You can search by entering a specific keyword, for example. Then, you can preview the email to see its contents and if it’s been recovered in its original state by the programme.

You can also select to scan for whatever email programme you use (and need to recover)—web-based emails such as Yahoo, Gmail or Outlook.

Most of these email recovery programmes are free to download. When they start scanning your hard drive looking for the deleted email and then manage to find it, and when you are completely satisfied that that’s your missing email, you can then purchase the software.

In essence, you have nothing to lose (if the email is not there – it’s not there) and everything to gain. Well, at least you can get your deleted email back.

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