The internet has transformed the way information is shared

The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before.

What are the most severe problems associated with the internet, and what solutions can you suggest?


It cannot be argued that the internet has transformed communication and information exchange just like the telegraph and television previously did. Societies, however, have had to deal with unforeseen new challenges, such as crimes that existing laws cannot contain. This essay will discuss some of the illegal activities facilitated by the internet and suggest solutions.

First, the international scope of the internet renders national law insufficient to manage what occurs online. Consider bans on legal reporting, for instance. In a few nations, the press is forbidden from publishing information about a defendant’s history if this prejudices a fair trial. Yet such limitations are no longer enforceable since information can now be freely disseminated elsewhere and accessed by everybody. The only answer in these circumstances, it appears, is to use world standards. Since the internet knows no national boundaries, the exchange of information can be controlled only if all states do agree upon what may and may not be disseminated.

Another problem concerns anonymity, as internet users can easily conceal their identity and even impersonate others. Many crimes, such as identity theft and child abuse, result from the ease with which criminals can operate anonymously online. Some have suggested an online identification system akin to a passport under which all people who use the internet could be authenticated and tracked. My own belief is that this concept needs to be developed further, although obviously there are valid issues regarding the security of those protesting against repressive regimes using the internet.

In conclusion, the only long-term solution to the problem of internet crime is greater international cooperation. Since the problem is global in scale, the solution must also be global. There is a need for dedicated internet regulations.

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