
Everything you need to know about a Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency stands for Crypto, which means secret, and Currency, you all know. So it can be said that it is a secret form of currency.

It is a digital form of asset based on the medium of exchange principle. The coins are assigned ownership records and stored in a ledger.

In simple words, a unique form of a computerized database for a particular currency or coin is created and stored using strong cryptography techniques to secure the transaction. The ownership records are verified and secured in the database. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology, as it uses transparency, decentralization and immutability.

Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital asset that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralised, and not subject to government or financial institution control.

The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many others, including Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services. Cryptocurrency is based on the ownership of the user. It cannot be guarded by any central authority and cannot be controlled by old government control and interference.

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How does the exchange between two people in cryptocurrency work?

The currency exchange takes place between two people in crypto (hidden) and uses public and private keys. A minimum charge is processed into a user’s account, skipping the high charges taken in banks or other financial institutions.

The confirmation part is a very crucial concept in cryptocurrencies. You can even say that cryptocurrencies are all about confirming these transactions and only miners can confirm these. This is their job in a cryptocurrency network. They took trades, stamped them as legit and spread them into the network. If a miner confirms a transaction, then every node adds it to the database, and thus, it becomes a part of this Blockchain. For this, the miners also get rewarded with a token of Cryptocurrency.

How does Cryptocurrency work?

The cryptocurrency was earlier introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto, who was also called an unknown inventor of Bitcoin.

 In a decentralized system and without a server. A single entity or unit of a network might do this job. Only the peer in a network needs to list all the transactions and check if the future transactions are valid.

A cryptocurrency consists of a ledger in which all the transactions are publically visible. It makes a fairway and removes the risk of double-spending. A ledger is a list of all entries present in a database that cannot be changed without satisfying specific requirements.

Crypto-currency miners verify each transaction and then add them to the public ledger (a record). They use very powerful computers to solve complex and technical mathematical problems that are the key to the verification process. Cryptocurrency Mining is an open-source technology which means that anyone can confirm the transaction. The first miner to solve this complex problem gets to add a block to their transaction ledger. This process is also known as a “proof-of-work system.”

Bitcoin is currently used in 96 countries, and it’s growing every year, with approximately 12,000 transactions occurring every hour. Understanding more about the cryptocurrency working process is the first path, and the second is to try it.


A simple example of this is considering a transaction in a file that says, “Bob gives X Bitcoin to Alice “and is signed by Bob’s private key. It’s basic public key cryptography, nothing special at all. After signing, a transaction is broadcasted in the network, sent from one peer to every other peer. This is basic p2p-technology. 

Some Examples of Cryptocurrencies with Market value

CryptocurrencyMarket Value
Ethereum (ETH)$37,541,206,371
Litecoin (LTC)$6,638,644,841
Bitcoin (BTC)$114,902,478,910
Ripple (XRP)$19,101,856,438
EOS (EOS)$4,651,687,335
Steller (XLM)$3,624,351,142
Monero (XMR)$2,742,593,584

Why are Cryptocurrencies considered illegal?

Let’s get an overall idea of this transaction; the semi-anonymous nature helps in a host of illegal activities, such as money laundering and tax exemption. Sometimes, this currency can advocate high-value anonymity and cite privacy benefits like protection for whistleblowers or activists living under repressive governments. Sometimes, these can be more private than others, challenging the government for tax.

For example, Bitcoin is considered a bad choice for conducting illegal business online. The forensic analysis of Blockchain has helped the authorities arrest and prosecute criminals.

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Are Cryptocurrencies legal in India?

The lawmaker chaired a conference at the UN India’s headquarters the same month, which discussed Cryptocurrency issues in the country. The government and the RBI have confirmed that cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are legal in India.

However, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies by financial institutions. The Supreme Court of India has also overturned the RBI’s ban on cryptocurrency trading, stating that it violates citizens’ rights. As a result, individuals are allowed to buy, sell, and hold cryptocurrencies in India. However, it is important to note that regulations regarding cryptocurrencies in India are still evolving, and investors should stay updated on any changes implemented by the government or regulatory authorities.

Is there any risk in Cryptocurrency Investing?

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, meaning their prices can change rapidly. In the past year, the price of Bitcoin has fluctuated between $3,000 and $40,000. Ethereum has seen even more volatility, with prices ranging from $90 to $2,500.

Investors in cryptocurrencies could see their investments lose value quickly or even become worthless. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated, so investors have no protection if something goes wrong. There have been several high-profile hacks of cryptocurrency exchanges, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars worth of digital currency. In some cases, the exchanges have not been able to refund their customers.

There is a lack of guaranteed value and a digital nature to cryptocurrency, which means that the purchase and use involve very high inherent risks. The investor is alerted to the rules, which have been issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and other national agencies.

Hence, governments may seek to regulate, restrict, or ban cryptocurrency, and some already have. At the same time, other nations are coming up with various rules. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment below. And Stay tuned with Digital Gyan for awesome blogs.

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