BSBLDR811 – Lead Strategic Transformation

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Discuss four (4) styles of leadership and the impact of each of the identified styles on organisational culture.

Autocratic Leadership: This is when the leader makes decisions without taking into account the opinions of others. In this leadership style, the leader is frequently solely responsible for the outcomes. This approach is often ineffective since employees are not consulted, resulting in low morale.

Transformational Leadership: Leaders who practice this style of leadership endeavour to understand their employees’ attitudes and social changes. Transformational leaders frequently urge their staff to work toward a common goal while ensuring coordination and interaction between them.

Laissez-Fair Leadership: This is a management style in which employees are free to make their
own decisions. People are free to explore and make their own decisions in this type of leadership.

Strategic Leadership: A form of leadership in which a company’s top executives formulate
methods and a vision for the company’s success. This type of leadership creates a well-structured,
well-organized decision-making process that makes the goal more obvious and apparent.

Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organisation change

As a result of participative management, an employee’s overall ownership of their work increases.
This empowerment can result in increased efficiency, production, morale, and job satisfaction. The goal of participative management is for the organization to perform better on all levels: economic, organizational, technical, psychological, commercial, and so on. Leadership, participation, and culture are all so linked that understanding one without the other is impossible.

Discuss three strategies that a leader can use for building trust and confidence with colleagues during times of organisational change.

Exercising Leadership – This indicates that a leader should always set a good example. Because
subordinates generally watch their boss’s behaviours; leading by example guarantees that
everyone follows suit, establishing a positive working atmosphere.

Team work– Teamwork is necessary because it ensures a shared effort in job completion. Teams
can be developed by ensuring that projects are completed collaboratively and participating in
team-building activities. Because boundaries are broken, confidence and trust are instilled in the
workplace, resulting in improved performance.

Recognition and Awards – When it comes to inspiring someone, positive reinforcement is essential. An employee’s self-esteem and confidence in service performance will both be boosted by awarding or honouring them.

Describe the differences between organisational transformation and organisational development.

The main difference between organizational development and organizational transformation is
that organizational development is a strategic approach to improving the organization by
analyzing past experience, current circumstances, and future objectives, whereas organizational
transformation is a rigid and rapid process.

Explain the key phases of a change management process.

The change management process is the set of actions or actions followed by a change management team or project leader to apply change management to a change in order to facilitate individual transitions and guarantee that the project achieves its goals. According to studies, the following factors are essential for a successful change management process: first, a clear vision of the change, solid preparation, and communication. Second, there is training or practical assistance. Finally, there must be a monitoring and assessment component.

Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan.

  • Readiness Assessments.
  • Communication Planning.
  • Sponsorship Roadmaps.
  • Ongoing Employee Feedback.
  • Change Reinforcement.

Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change during an organisational change process.

Provide training: When making a change that entails changes in technology or procedures, ensure that your staff receives sufficient training to help them become proficient in the new way things are done. In addition, ensure that it is crystal clear that this training will be provided when the change is announced. This will prevent employees from feeling as though they are falling behind due to a lack of experience or competency.

Demonstrate leadership skills: A self-assured leader with a clear vision can help their team weather the storms of change, regardless of how challenging those storms may be. Inspire your team, demonstrate strategic thinking, be open-minded and adaptive, and show your team that you have their best interests in mind by acting as though you are looking out for them.

Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organisation may resist change. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each of the areas you identify.

The three reason of resisting change-

  • In the organization, there is a loss of status or job security.
  • Reward systems that are not aligned (non-reinforcing).
  • Incredible nervousness and fear.

Suggestion regarding resistance overcome

  • Make sure job security.
  • Employee rewards based on their performance.
  • Make sure enough training to cope with new culture.

Discuss at least three barriers to organisational change.

 Inadequate Culture-shift Planning
 Lack of Employee Involvement
 Flawed Communication Strategies.

Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organisational change.

Make the manager hero- Typically, the most successful method for securing managers’ support is to make them the change’s drivers and initiators. By making managers the change implementers and putting them in the limelight, it is feasible to assure their participation, according to this theory.

Show manager the potential change– Senior managers can be encouraged to accept change by selling change and its usefulness to their firms and themselves. The crucial thing to remember is that top managers must be educated about their role in the post-change situation. They may be made to play a vital part in change management by allowing them to see themselves in the future vision.

Outline key information that should be included in an organisation’s communication protocol for communicating internally and externally.

The organization’s internal communication protocol should be based on the following:
• The reason for communication is obvious.
• Evaluating the audience’s requirements.
• Communication that is regular and consistent.
• Interaction that is free of jargon, concise, and to the point.
External communication, on the other hand, necessitates consideration of the following organization’s communication protocol:
• To explain the attitude, clear thoughts and statements are required.
• Two-way communication using appropriate wording.
• Communication that is simple, error-free, and devoid of jargon.

Discuss what is involved in personal development planning and the methods that can be used to achieve this.

Establishing aims and objectives for what you want to achieve or where you want to go in your career in the short, medium, or long term is the process of personal development planning (PDP) evaluating the current situation and determining what abilities or knowledge are required.

Outline at least five crucial components of a personal development plan.

• Identifying goals and current abilities.
• Concentrate on 3-5 areas where you can improve.
• SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable Realistic and Timely) are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely goals.

• Make a list of them and set up regular reminders.
• Progress is being kept track of

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