How to use Chrome Remote Desktop on Android

Are you tired of being chained to your desktop or laptop computer? Do you require remote access to your computer while on the go? If so, Chrome Remote Desktop could be the answer.

You may access your computer from your Android device with Chrome Remote Desktop, allowing you to work remotely or view files on the fly. This blog post will walk you through the process of using Chrome Remote Desktop on Android.

This guide will help you get started with Chrome Remote Desktop, whether you are a business professional, a student, or simply need access to your files on the move.

What is a Chrome remote desktop?

Chrome remote desktop allows you to control your computer from another computer. It was released on October 8, 2011. It is a Google product. To utilize this method, you must install a Chrome browser on your computer. Get Chrome now if you don’t already have it.

Chrome remote desktop connects with no problems. You need not be concerned if anyone can use your computer, contrary to popular belief. Because your computer is PIN-protected, no one will be able to access it. As a result, just like your password, you must update your PIN on a regular basis. This method allows you to access Chrome’s remote desktop from an Android smartphone rapidly.

You can run this software on a limited Operating system (Chrome os, ios, Android, Windows, Os x, Linux beta). If you want to run a chrome remote desktop on your PC, then make sure that you have an operating system supporting this software. This tool uses the chrooting protocol, which is developed by Google.

How to use chrome remote desktop

Step-1. First, go to Chrome Web Store, download Chrome remote desktop, and install chrome remote desktop in your browser. After that click on the Launch app menu.

Step-2. After adding Chrome remote desktop extension, you need to do some settings then it will automatically ask you to enter your Gmail id password for login, and then it will show the type of window that is shown in the picture.

Then click on Enable Remote connection, and it will automatically redirect you to a setup file named; chrome remote desktop host.msi file. Download and install that file in your system. Under disable remote connection option, there is a choice of change pin is shown, PIN is mandatory for connecting your phone to your PC. Then click on the change Pin option. Enter here your desired pin code for connecting to your PC.

Step-3. Now pick up your smartphone and install Chrome remote desktop app from the play store, then log in to this software from your Email Id, which is used by you in your Pc Bowser.

Nowhere will show your PC name; now tap on your Pc username and enter the Pin that is set you in the chrome remote browser.