What is Knowledge Management and Its Benefits?

Knowledge management (KM) is the management of information within an organisation so that its intended users can effectively use it.

Knowledge management (KM) is an intentional and systematic strategy for building and sharing the knowledge base of an organisation. It is a field that encompasses both information technology and intellectual capital.

The core goal of knowledge management is to deliver the appropriate knowledge to the appropriate person at the appropriate time. This might not appear complicated on its own, but it implies a strong connection to corporate strategy, awareness of where and how it exists, processes that cross organisational departments, and assurance that efforts are approved and supported by organisational members.

It is possible for knowledge management to only concentrate on the development, storage, and refining of existing knowledge. The main goal of knowledge management is to produce value and to leverage, enhance, and hone the firm’s competencies and knowledge assets to accomplish organisational goals and targets. It is crucial to keep this in mind.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is a complex and multi-dimensional construct, and KM solutions come in many flavours, ranging from collaborative tools to social software. But as it relates to business, people, and organisational processes. It is about sharing and organising business knowledge — that is, all the tacit knowledge about what you do and why you do it.

Knowledge includes storing, organising, and using information and implementing policies and procedures to support knowledge management. Knowledge can be considered a body of information that a company can use to improve its operations. Organisations must have a system to manage this information if they want to stay ahead of their competition.

what is knowledge management

Types of knowledge

Knowledge management (KM) refers to organising, managing, and using knowledge within an organisation. It can be broken down into five main areas: discovery, capture, curation, sharing, and exploitation. Discovery is the process of recognising relevant knowledge within an organisation. Capture refers to the process of capturing this knowledge in a form usable by the organisation. Curation refers to selecting and organising captured knowledge for use by the organisation; sharing refers to distributing this curated knowledge within the organisation or used by its members.

How is knowledge created?

Knowledge management is creating, using, and sharing knowledge to improve organisational performance. It encompasses everything from creating a centralised depository for all know-how to developing effective communication and collaboration tools to ensure everyone in an organisation has access to the right information at the right time. Knowledge management is essential for organisations that want to keep up with changes in their industry and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources.

The benefits of knowledge management

Most people think knowledge management is about collecting and putting information into a library. While these are important knowledge management functions, information and intellectual property management are also key parts of a knowledge management system.

Organising and sharing knowledge allows you to take advantage of the latest advances in your profession or organisation. You can do what you do better because you have better information and knowledge about what you do. Knowledge is the basis for innovation. Innovations happen when organisations make mistakes. And learning is improved when people share their mistakes and successes to understand the problem better and come up with solutions.

An effective knowledge management system can provide several benefits for businesses, including:

1. Increased efficiency: A knowledge management system can help streamline processes by making it easy for employees to find and share relevant information. This can save time and increase productivity.

2. Improved decision-making: By making accurate and timely information readily available, businesses can make better decisions that are based on sound data.

3. Enhanced customer service: Employees can provide rapid and efficient responses to customer queries with a wealth of accurate information at their disposal. This can improve customer satisfaction levels and build loyalty.


Knowledge management is the process of turning what people already know into information that can be used and of making it easier for people to learn and teach (knowledge creation and transfer). Knowledge management (or KM) is an increasingly accepted concept in various industries. Businesses that have seen the benefits of knowledge management know that there is a direct link between knowledge management and increased productivity, efficiency, and customer service. An effective knowledge management system can help organisations be more efficient overall. When all of an organization’s information is easily accessible and organised, it can run more smoothly. This can save the organisation time and money in the long run.

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