The Total Cost Concept and Logistics Systems Analysis

From the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, logistics plays a pivotal role in determining a company’s overall profitability. The total cost concept, a strategic framework that considers all relevant costs associated with a logistics system, offers a valuable lens through which to analyze and optimize these operations.

In this post, we will understand the meaning and application of both topics. We will examine the various costs associated with logistics, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and information technology.

Total Cost Concept

The total cost concept refers to the consideration of all costs associated with a product or service throughout its entire lifecycle. This includes not only the purchase price but also transportation costs, inventory carrying costs, storage costs, and any other relevant expenses. By taking into account all these costs, companies can make more informed decisions about their supply chain processes and identify opportunities for cost reduction.

Costs associated with warehousing, inventory, transportation, industrial planning and ordering, and other logistics services are inextricably linked. A change in any of these activities will affect the others. Attempting to reduce any single cost aspect may increase total logistics costs. As a result, any suggested change to a logistical activity should be weighed against the entire logistics cost.

For example, while limiting inventory levels may result in lower inventory costs for a business with a seasonal demand pattern, the additional costs incurred by manufacturing in adjusting output levels to match demand (either through hiring and layoffs or through some other means) may more than offset the inventory savings. A standardised manufacturing strategy may very well result in the lowest total costs. The whole cost idea is implemented through the examination of logistics systems.

total cost concept

Logistic System Concept

Logistics systems analysis, on the other hand, involves examining and evaluating the various components of a logistics system to optimise its efficiency and effectiveness. This analysis typically includes assessing transportation networks, warehouse operations, inventory management methods, and information systems. Through this analysis, companies can identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies in their logistics operations and implement strategies to improve overall performance.

Logistics systems analysis’s purpose is to assist management in achieving their logistical objectives. Systems analysis is required to conceptualise and analyse system possibilities regarding management’s logistics policies. Additionally, systems analysis can aid in the maintenance and enhancement of the logistics system by examining its operating characteristics and identifying opportunities for improvement through the gradual introduction of new concepts, techniques, or equipment.

As critical as it is to evaluate the logistics system holistically, organisations are rarely in a position to conduct a comprehensive re-study and reconstruction of their entire system. The cost – in terms of disruption, investment, and reorganisation — is prohibitively high.

However, the logistics system concept provides management with a framework for considering evolutionary changes, and the total system orientation of modern systems-analysis techniques provides management with the tools necessary to investigate and implement evolutionary changes that are consistent with total system effectiveness.


Together, the total cost concept and logistics systems analysis help companies gain a comprehensive understanding of their supply chain costs and operations. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing appropriate solutions, companies can enhance their competitiveness and ultimately deliver greater value to their customers.

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