What is Micro-Frontend with React and Next.js? Benefit in Future

Micro-Frontend with React and Next.js – For teams, managing a huge project’s codebase while working on it may be extremely difficult. Micro-frontends have been around for a while, but due to their distinctive characteristics and usefulness, they are becoming more and more popular.

Multiple teams may work on separate modules of the same project without worrying about other modules thanks to micro-frontends. It makes no difference how many modules are added to an existing system when using micro-frontends.

In this post, we’ll go over the fundamentals of a micro-frontend and demonstrate how to use Next.js to construct one. The benefits of utilising micro-frontends in your apps will also be covered.

what is micro-frontend with react and next.js benefit in future

What is Micro-Frontend with React and Next.js?

To begin with, micro-frontends lack any kind of rigid structure or limits

In what sense is a micro-frontend tiny? It has still not been resolved. The basic lesson is that you should divide your project into several phases to prevent a disruption of the customer experience. Whiteboard changes will probably be necessary several times during this procedure, which might be painful.

Your project will probably change as time goes on, and you might need to update your micro-frontend along the way.

Popular frontend technology stack React is renowned for its features and practicality. The icing on the cake is using React and micro-frontends! This is where Next.js comes into play.

There are several advantages to using Next.js, including:

  • Built-in router assistance. No further packaging is required.
  • Support for TypeScript and CSS built-in.
  • Page-based routes that are automatically configured.
  • Easy to construct for manufacturing.
  • Internationalised SDKs and image optimization.
  • Built-in serverless features (API routes).

Benefits of using micro-frontend

Micro-frontends, in a nutshell, make web applications easier to manage. If you’ve ever worked on a big application, you know how exhausting it is to keep track of everything.

The divide and conquer strategy is comparable to how micro-frontends operate. Let’s now examine the most significant and beneficial features of using micro-frontends.


There are many JavaScript frameworks available, but would it ever be viable to collaborate with engineers from diverse backgrounds on the same project? With micro-frontends, the answer is true yes!

The micro-frontend architecture allows you to blend React, Vue, and Angular on a single project. In the end, it produces the best effect, in my opinion.

More Rapid Development

You now understand the independence of your team. That’s great, no more needless turmoil!

Anytime your team chooses, they may create and implement their frontend. Due to the fact that each module has no dependencies, releases may be completed rapidly.

Faster iterations are the fundamental objective of defining the micro-frontend.

micro-frontend with react and next implementation
Micro-Frontend with React and Next

Simple Testing

Before beginning integration testing, it is preferable to test distinct components of an application. That is possible right here!

Teams will test the micro-frontend before the application, reducing the likelihood that defects will make their way into the live system.

A compact, manageable code base and the flexibility to swiftly add or delete any module from the system are further benefits.

Deployment and Security in Micro-Frontend Development

The ability to divide a single body into different parts that may be deployed independently is a key benefit of micro-frontend architecture. You may construct and maintain your deployment independently of other components.

Parcel enables the deployment of several frontends in a single repository, independent of each frontend’s language and framework. In addition, there are deployment services like Netlify that you may employ. You can only use it as an individual frontend after it has been deployed.

When a big number of people use the frontend, it must be reliable and secure. Use an SSL certificate like Wildcard or a single domain, multi-domain, or SAN SSL certificate to make it secure. Multiple websites and subdomains can be protected by a single SAN or multi-domain SSL certificate.

Benefits of using Micro-Frontend with React and Next.js

Your web application is easier to maintain as a result

If you’ve ever worked with large programmes, you know how easy it can be for them to become out of hand, especially if they’re monolithic and destined to get bigger. Micro frontends, on the other hand, are built using the divide-and-conquer strategy. Therefore, by selecting this architecture for your web application, you may make it simpler to test and manage each and every business need.

It is the front-end development of the future

Micro frontends have been utilised by 24 per cent of developers, according to the 2020 State of Microservices Report. This indicates that more and more businesses are utilising the potential of this strategy, and more well-known front-end apps are anticipated to do so soon.

When to use Micro-Frontend?

In a micro-frontend architecture, a web application is viewed as a collection of features that are controlled by many independent teams. This method works well for sophisticated applications because simple ones tend to become cluttered and challenging to maintain over time.

Techniques used in Micro-Frontend


Here, the programmes exchange functionality using iFrames. iFrames share the APIs that their parent window, such as the Window, exposes. It is possible to communicate across micro frontends using the postMessage API.

micro-frontend with react and next.js
Micro-Frontend with React and Next


One of the many frameworks available is a single single-page application (SPA). With the help of this framework, you may integrate several JavaScript frameworks and libraries while the page is still loading.

Web Components

In this method, we serve Angular/React or any other component next to one other by converting them into web components using a JavaScript wrapper.

Multiple SPA on different URLs

The easiest method to have several micro frontends is to have distinct SPAs rendered when users visit various URLs. For common functionality, the applications make use of npm components.


We examined the idea of micro-frontends and provided examples in this post. Hopefully, by now you are aware of its amazing features and ease of use.

Next.js is fairly organised and uses a straightforward micro-frontend design. I’m eager to see what Next has in store for server-side rendering with a micro-frontend in the future in terms of microarchitecture.

I like the micro-frontend coding approach since it’s simple for teams to maintain. In addition, frontend construction and security are handled rather tastefully. A team has a really exciting opportunity since it is probable that this idea will expand in the future.

In the future, there won’t be any distinctions between a single skeleton system and a micro-frontend.

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