A JNI error has occurred Minecraft

Why is there a JNI error in Minecraft?

Java 16 is the version required by the game’s server to function, and an outdated version of Java may lead to crashes in the game. Previously, the game had old Java versions, which did not cause these crashes.

However, with the latest update in the game, the latest version of Java is required, and players need to install it in their devices in order to play smoothly. The JNI errors caused are due to the usage of outdated Java versions and they can only be avoided by installing the latest Java versions and avoiding older ones.

Also, sometimes, the system for Java installation is corrupted and can cause issues, deceiving the computer into thinking that no Java is installed on your PC. You can download Minecraft APK Softonic Version, if you want to play it on your android mobile phone.

How to fix the JNI error in Minecraft?

Following are some of the ways you can fix the JNI errors in Minecraft:

Installing the latest versions

A JNI error occurs on your system when you don’t have the latest Java versions installed on your device. In order to avoid such unwanted situations, consider downloading the latest version of Java so that JNI errors could be avoided. In order to install the latest version, consider following the given steps:

  • To proceed with, move to the official website and download the latest version of Java correctly. Files ending with .exe are normally designed for Windows’ users.
  • After you have done this, consider installing the package.
  • Then, proceed to follow all the given instructions in order to complete the process. Doing so would avoid all sorts of JNI errors in the game.

Fix the corrupted system

If the above mentioned procedure isn’t helpful, consider following the below mentioned steps in order to fix the system. You will have to open the System Properties option and then make the following changes:

  • To begin with, press Win + R and the Run dialog box will be launched. Proceed to type sysdm.cpl in the box and click enter to confirm.
  • Then, proceed to the Advanced tab in the System Properties option and tap on the Environment Variables tab.
  • After you have done this, click on the Edit option after selecting the Path tab.
  • A new window will appear, and from here, proceed to search for the Java variables and click on them and delete.


A JNI error may be due to 2 different reasons; either you will be using outdated Java versions or the system for this may be corrupted. The above mentioned guide would aid you in fixing these problems.

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